Emulating randomized controlled trials in oncology using electronic health record data: an interview with Ann Madsen, Aetion

Written by The Evidence Base

As the use of real-world data (RWD) in healthcare decision-making grows, there is a pressing need to ensure evidence generated from RWD analysis (real-world evidence, RWE) is robust and reliable. To meet this demand, new methodologies are being explored and developed to enhance the quality and validity of RWE. In this interview, we speak with Ann Madsen (Aetion, USA) about the poster presented at ISPOR 2024 (May 6–8, 2024, Atlanta, USA) entitled ‘An Emulation of the KEYNOTE-189 Trial Using Electronic Health Records.’ Please could you introduce yourself and your background? I’m Ann Madsen, a Vice President of Scientific Consulting at Aetion...

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