GetReal Conference 2024: Insights from Session 3 – debating the progress towards adopting RWE as part of the HTA regulation

Written by The Evidence Base

Text reading: 'GetReal Conference 2024: Insights from Session 3 – debating the progress towards adopting RWE as part of the HTA regulation.' Next to an image of Utrecht, The Netherlands on a blue and green background.

The third session of the GetReal Institute’s 2024 Annual Conference took the form of a lively Oxford-style debate, discussing the motion: this house believes we are making good progress towards adopting real-world evidence (RWE) as part of the health technology assessment (HTA) regulation. The debate was moderated by Shahid Hanif (Managing Director, GetReal Institute), who explained the structure of the session, beginning with an initial vote to determine the attendees’ starting views on the topic, followed by presentations and rebuttals from speakers representing both sides. Next, there would be discussion amongst the speakers and audience questions, concluding with a second...

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