GetReal Conference 2024: Insights from Session 4 – HTA perspectives on methods for generating real-world evidence

Written by The Evidence Base

Experts from three different countries shared their insights during Session 4 of the GetReal Conference 2024, followed by a lively panel discussion that delved into the nuances of using real-world evidence (RWE) in health technology assessments (HTA). European insights Anja Schiel (Special Advisor and Lead Methodologist, Norwegian Medical Products Agency) opened the session with a focus on benefit-risk assessments for the European Medicines Agency (EMA). "Internal validity is highest in randomized clinical trials (RCTs)," she noted, clarifying that 'comparative trials' should not be conflated with RCTs. Comparative trials merely compare two entities, and, "hopefully, it's apples to apples." Schiel emphasized...

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