Hot off the press: our pick of real-world evidence articles published in July 2024

Written by The Evidence Base

Our monthly feature compiling articles across the spectrum of real-world evidence (RWE) and health technology assessment (HTA) published in July 2024. Val (EU) xit: do we need an international ISPOR value flower? Authors: Sreeram V Ramagopalan, Manuel Gomes, Isabelle Durand-Zaleski, Bill Malcolm, Jose Diaz, Grace Mitchell, Jonathan Pearson-Stuttard & Louis Garrison Jr Publication: Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research DOI: This editorial examines the components of value outlined in the ISPOR value flower and evaluates their significance within the healthcare systems of Europe, Australia, and Canada, which are predominantly single-payer systems informed by HTA processes. By doing so, the paper aims to promote...

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