ISPOR Europe 2024: first look at the conference program 

Written by The Evidence Base

The ISPOR Europe 2024 conference will take place November 17–20, 2024 in Barcelona, Spain and center on the theme, ‘Generating Evidence Toward Health and Well-Being.’ 

Introducing ISPOR Europe 2024 

Hot on the heels of their newly announced Strategic Plan 2025, ISPOR—The Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research has shared initial details of the upcoming ISPOR Europe 2024 conference being held at the Barcelona International Convention Center in Barcelona, Spain. Centered on, “Generating Evidence Toward Health and Well-Being”, the 3-day conference addresses a variety of critical topics including real-world data (RWD), joint clinical assessments, digital transformation of health, patient-centered research and more.

Co-chaired by Yannis Natsis (European Social Insurance Platform [ESIP], Belgium), Patrice Verpillat (European Medicines Agency, The Netherlands) and Anne Willemesen (Dutch National Healthcare Institute, The Netherlands), the diverse expertise of the program committee has ensured that the conference provides a comprehensive focus on the science, practice, and policies of healthcare value assessment. As ISPOR notes, the program aims to promote a, “broader view of health economics and outcomes research (HEOR) that considers the physical, mental, and social health aspects of innovation.” 

The first announcement from ISPOR highlights the plenary sessions, issue panels, workshops, breakout sessions, and short courses taking place at the conference. Continuing our ongoing conference media partnership with the organization, The Evidence Base will provide in-depth coverage of the three plenary sessions: 

  1. The Evidence-Price Conundrum: What is the Way Forward for Patient Access? Monday November 18, 8:30am – 9:45am 
  2. Ready, Set, Go: The Last Sprint for the EU HTAR. Tuesday November 19, 8:30am – 9:45am 
  3. Reality Check: Are we Bridging the Evidence Gaps for Patients? Wednesday November 20, 11:30am – 12:45pm 

In addition, our daily round-ups will summarize the spotlight sessions, issue panels, workshops and other breakout sessions 

ISPOR Europe 2024 access details

Early-bird registration for ISPOR Europe 2024 is available until October 10, 2024, with a 20% discount on fees for those planning to attend in person. ISPOR is also continuing their ‘Digital Conference Pass,’ providing on-demand access to recordings of nearly all educational sessions, plenaries, spotlights, and other content. Conference delegates can purchase this pass to enhance their experience, or it can be bought separately by those unable to attend in person. 

ISPOR Real-World Evidence Summit 

Co-located with ISPOR Europe 2024, the ISPOR Real-World Evidence Summit is being held prior to the conference on Sunday November 17, 2024. Recognized by ISPOR as the leading trend in the field for 2024–2025, the summit will delve into all facets of real-world evidence (RWE), covering methodologies, data transportability, and the infrastructure necessary to make RWE valuable in regulatory, health technology assessment (HTA), and payer decision-making processes. 

Sponsorship opportunities for ISPOR Europe 2024 

Our ISPOR coverage attracts significant attention, providing sponsors with numerous opportunities to enhance their visibility to The Evidence Base audience. We offer a range of options designed to maximize exposure, helping to raise awareness of thought leadership, showcase innovative research, and foster lead generation. These options allow sponsors of The Evidence Base to effectively engage with our highly targeted and receptive audience. Our enduring content opportunities include: 

  • Deep Dive: Engaging and informative coverage of a session in a written format that will continue to educate and inspire long into the future. 
  • Guest Column: A conversational and opinion-style article that provides an ideal opportunity to build on an ISPOR presentation and showcase expertise. 
  • Webinars: Build on a topic or discussion through a webinar managed, produced and promoted by our team. 

To learn more, visit our Sponsorship page or contact Phil Garner, Co-Founder & CEO, Becaris Publishing.