Patti’s People – Patti Peeples speaks with Natalie Douglas and Ragan Hart – Part 1

Written by The Evidence Base

In Part 1 of 2 of this ‘Patti’s People’ episode, Patti Peeples of the The Peeples Collaborative speaks with Natalie Douglas, Founder and Healthcare Specialist Advisor, Lucidity LLC, and Ragan Hart, Senior Associate, MultiCare Capital Partners. You can view the entire video or view a specific question by entering ‘Fullscreen with Transcript’ or navigate via the ‘Visual Table of Contents’. Questions: 00:00: Introduction 03:14: What is the big picture investment arena for RWE, HEOR, and Pricing/Access companies? What is catching the eye and the wallet of the market? And what trends are looming over the next 5 years? 09:30: What are the funding avenues available to...

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