Patti’s People – Patti Peeples speaks with Walter Toro

Written by The Evidence Base

In this ‘Patti’s People’ episode, Patti Peeples of the The Peeples Collaborative speaks with Walter Toro, Executive Director, Global HEOR/RWE, Novartis Gene Therapies. You can view the entire video or view a specific question by entering ‘Fullscreen with Transcript’ or navigate via the ‘Visual Table of Contents’. Questions: 00:38: Have patient aspects always been of interest in HTAs? 04:54: What is considered patient involvement in HTA? 06:23: Are there differences in how patient participation is presented in countries with HTAs? Can they be categorized based on the degree of development of this participation? 12:18: You mentioned the new guideline for patient involvement in...

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